5 Healthy On-the-Go Breakfasts

Getting in a good breakfast is very important in setting you up for a successful day of clean eating. When you don't eat enough, or grab something sugary or junky just to fill your tummy, your blood sugar starts off on a wonky note and you'll be fighting an uphill battle the rest of the day to bring it back into balance. If I know I'm going to be rushing out the door the next morning, either I make something the night before to bring with me, or decide to have a breakfast that takes less than 2 minutes to pull together. Below are my five favorite breakfasts for busy mornings when I'm on-the-go. 

When at home....

Summer Smoothie Bowl

Serves 1 

*make ahead the night before


  • 1 large Medjool date, pitted and soaked in warm water until soft
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 2 Brazil nuts
  • 1 small raw beet, peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries 
  • 100 g frozen acai, run under warm water to thaw slightly 

How to go about it: 

Soak the date while you peel and chop the beet. Place the coconut milk, chia seeds, Brazil nuts and drained date in the blender on high until smooth. Add the chopped beet, frozen berries and acai packet. Blend on high until thick and smooth. Cover and put in the fridge so it's ready for you in the morning. Top with coconut flakes, hemp seeds, fresh berries. 

Berries and Oats Microwave Muffin

Serves 1

Add 1/4 cup quick oats, 1 egg, a handful of berries, and a sprinkling of coconut sugar to a mug and mix until evenly combined. Microwave on high for 1 minute, remove to take a look, and keep cooking for 30 seconds at a time until the muffin looks firm.

Mango Chia Seed Pudding 

Serves 1

*make ahead the night before 


  • 1 cup coconut or almond milk
  • 3 Tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla powder, or a dash of vanilla extract
  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup 
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch cardamom
  • 1 small mango, chopped into small cubes

How to go about it: 

Mix all ingredients except mango in a mason jar, or any airtight container. Let sit for 5 minutes until the chia seeds have soaked up the liquid. Add chopped mango on top and refrigerate. It'll be ready to grab and go the next morning!

Egg Muffin Cups 

*make ahead and save leftovers

Using a muffin tin, grease each cup with butter or coconut oil. Put an egg in each ‘cup.’ Add a tbsp of chia seeds to each cup + 3 tbsp water.  Add any chopped veggies you have in the fridge – mushrooms, spinach, onions, tomatoes, parsley, kale all work nicely. Mix each one up and bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Once cool, refrigerate. In the morning, take a couple egg muffin cups out of the fridge and nook 'em. Have with a piece of sprouted grain toast. 

Avocado on Rice Cakes with a Hard Boiled Egg

Serves 1

This sounds so simple, but it is one of my favorite breakfasts. Spread 1/2 avocado over 2 brown rice cakes. Sprinkle with sea salt and perhaps some sunflower seeds if you want a little crunch. Have a hard boiled egg on the side or slice up the egg up spread over the avocado rice cakes. Carbs, protein and fat all in one delicious and simple brekkie. Boom.

When Traveling....

Chia Goodness

Chia Goodness is a mixture of four awesome ingredients: chia seeds, hemp seeds, buckwheat groats (gluten free) and sea salt. They have a few different flavors, i.e. Apple Cinnamon and Chocolate -- the latter being my favorite. This stuff saved me on ski weekends this winter. I just threw it in my bag and knew I had a healthy and filling breakfast to eat before a day on the mountain. I mixed it with almond milk for a quick chia pudding. When I didn't have almond milk, I mixed water with vanilla vegan protein powder and used that as the liquid for an extra protein hit. 

On the Go Paleo Hot Cereal

Another great option to travel with. This hot cereal is grain free (so therefore gluten free), made up of organic coconut, almond meal, pecan meal, organic chia seed, organic flaxseed meal, konjac root, organic cinnamon and himalayan pink salt. If you're staying in a hotel room, you can use the coffee maker to heat up some water and pour it over this cereal to create a nice warm Paleo porridge. 

Now you have no excuse for not getting a proper breakfast! Hope you enjoy these brekkies as much as I do. I"m heading to Australia on Saturday for a two week holiday so I'll definitely be bringing some Chia Goodness and Hot Cereal to ensure I'm never without healthy breakfast options!

Steph x